
Webcam Night Sunday & June Book

It sounds like this Sunday evening is the night for us all to connect on a good book and some wine. Should we say 7:30pm central time? I was thinking that we should just try to do all get together on the webcam like this at the end of each book/month to talk about it and wrap it up before our next month's pick.

June's Book - It's been decided! Our book for this next month will be 'The Wednesday Sisters' by Meg Waite Clayton, so get out or get online to purchase and we'll get it started on it June 1. If anyone is interested in discount coupons for borders/barnes&noble, let me know. I usually get them regularly through email.

Stay tuned.....


Wrapping it up...

May is almost over, so I hope everyone is close to finishing up the book-o!
Heather is next up for the pick of June...Heather, do you have your pick yet?

Opinions or comments on the MAY book???

Also, who has a web cam as of yet? I would love to set up a wine/web cam night this week.
Who's in?


Depending on what page you are on....

in this book, you may think this book is a bit slow/boring. Let me tell you, I have one chapter left because I had an excrutiating long travel day yesterday so I spent my 3 hour lay over reading this book and trying not to laugh and snort out loud at the Miami Airport.
Although, I personally think this book started out slow and VERY depressing, it picks up and even June's awkward ways seem to be less self deprecating and more charming.
When you start reading about the trip to Vegas to see Wayne Newton, things start to get better and jucier. The end of Chapter 20 had me giggling so much that I had to put the book down bc I was that crazy girl at Gate 33. So i dont know if it was the nerves from hating to fly or the lack of sleep or the total boredom of traveling all day but the book definitley entertained me.

Here's another question, What do you think June looks like?
The only description I really remember of June is that she is a tad overweight (like 5-10lbs).
For some reason, I kind of picture her like Bridget Jones/rene zellewigger (sp?)

BTW, after I put the book away some random guy started a convo with me at the gate...the cutest medical student from Grenada....he was getting ready to take his boards in delaware in 8 weeks and then he was going to travel with "doctors without borders" and give medical care to ppl in 3rd world countries. WOW!


******Discussion question #2******
After the accident, June says that there are two types of horrible events: the type that make you grab life by the throat and never take it for granted and the type that make you watch a lot of reality TV. Was her reaction realistic? How would you feel if a passenger died while you were driving?

PS: I liked Marcy's idea of putting together a list for ourselves. Like 11 things to do in 1 year or 20 things to do before my 30th b-day. Just like Marissa, some of the things could be little or trivial but a few of them should be more fufilling and/or pushed us out of our comfort zone.
I think we should share what we are going to put on our list. It will def. be interesting.



Spotted: TNTOML tearing up the streets of Bucktown and on a school night no less. We're pretty sure that's not soda in their glasses.... Will these chapters be remembered, I'll never tell.



Bella catching up on the bookclub pick! xoxo


On My Game

Today I managed to will myself in getting out of the house - successfully. I picked up my book, so I am well on my way to being an official member of the club. On my walk over, I happened to walk by Ritz camera, which is going out of business. I decided to go in and take a look around and I came across a cheap web camera that I can use for the purposes of this club. Less than $3!! Turns out when I got home, it will not work on my Mac. so if anyone needs one and uses Windows, let me know and I'll get it to you. One catch thought - be prepared to laugh when you are using it... It's in the shape of a football. It cracks me up just looking at it.
Till Next Time...



Have you ever written a “life list?” If so, what sort of items were on it, and have you completed any of them? If you haven’t, why not?


ok ok, who has the book? or more importantly, who doesnt?
I wanna start a convo on this but I have just read the first page thus far.
I plan to read the whole book to/from NYC on my trip with Liz this week.
Here is the schedule*

October: Hillary
November: Carly

*the catch is...that you must have your book picked by the 15th of the previous month so that we can have more time to get out and purchase it.
SOoooo Heather, the pressure is on!


And the Winner Is...

"Next Thing on My List" . I'm planning on picking up a copy asap. I can't wait to have some wine night/webcam/book discussion nights with all you girls!



It is May 3rd and our book of the month is... undecided! Okay, well it's month one and these things happen but I thought it was a good idea to start this blog so we can have an open forum to discuss whatever it is that we end up reading. I have invited all you girls to be "authors" on here, meaning you can post your owns blogs as well as reply to others. More updates once the book is chosen!