
Depending on what page you are on....

in this book, you may think this book is a bit slow/boring. Let me tell you, I have one chapter left because I had an excrutiating long travel day yesterday so I spent my 3 hour lay over reading this book and trying not to laugh and snort out loud at the Miami Airport.
Although, I personally think this book started out slow and VERY depressing, it picks up and even June's awkward ways seem to be less self deprecating and more charming.
When you start reading about the trip to Vegas to see Wayne Newton, things start to get better and jucier. The end of Chapter 20 had me giggling so much that I had to put the book down bc I was that crazy girl at Gate 33. So i dont know if it was the nerves from hating to fly or the lack of sleep or the total boredom of traveling all day but the book definitley entertained me.

Here's another question, What do you think June looks like?
The only description I really remember of June is that she is a tad overweight (like 5-10lbs).
For some reason, I kind of picture her like Bridget Jones/rene zellewigger (sp?)

BTW, after I put the book away some random guy started a convo with me at the gate...the cutest medical student from Grenada....he was getting ready to take his boards in delaware in 8 weeks and then he was going to travel with "doctors without borders" and give medical care to ppl in 3rd world countries. WOW!

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